Shinty Video Feed The Washington Camanachd Club is a group of like-minded enthusiasts for the traditional Scottish game of Shinty (also called Camanchd), based in Seattle, WA.

The ancient and unique stick sport of Shinty is played here in a purely recreational format and is a favorite among people of all ages and walks of life. Shinty dates back to the early days of the Celtic peoples and is deeply rooted in the strength, courage and stamina of those people. During the last 1600 years of Shinty, a few other more well-known games have evolved from it, including Ice Hockey and Golf. Scotland's only original team sport of Shinty is currently played by over 45 clubs in Scotland.

Playing according to the rules and guidelines set down by the Camanachd Association and in participation with the US Camanachd Organization, the members of the WACC hope to foster and develop the game of Shinty in the state of Washington, creating a lasting structure that will help future generations enjoy the game as much as we do.

Shinty Team Photo

We welcome all interested players to join us in the fun of Shinty. We are entirely made up of novice to intermediate levels of players and try to practice regularly in the Seattle area (and hold practices in the other areas of the state as often as possible). We are recruiting players from the Greater Seattle area, with Co-Ed Teams playing and recruiting throughout the Tacoma - Seattle - Vancouver, BC Corridor. You are invited to participate in this fast-paced game: No previous experience required!

Shinty Action Photo

Please feel free to drop us a line and get started in the great game of Shinty.